日本財団 図書館

Circulation of the document : June

Dead line of the comment : Middle of July


Second Round :

Item (1) Result of the investigation on the scope of the application of the requirements

(2) Investigation of the materials for the tests (continuous work)

I would like to send the interim report for this issue in the second circular letter.

(3) Others

Circulation of the document : Beginning of August

Dead line of the comment : Middle of September


Third Round:

Item (1) Consideration of the progress report to DSC 5

(2) Others

Circulation of the document: In September

Dead line of the comment: Beginning/Middle of October


By October:

I will submit the progress report to DSC 5 by way of the head office of our ministry.

I will also send the progress report to all members of the C.G.


Enclosure (3): C.G. Members List

Australia :

Ted Clements

Ship & Personnel Safety Services

FAX: +61 2 6279 5966

E-mail: Ted. Clements@amsa.gov.au



Capt. Naim Nazha

Transport Canada

FAX : +1-613-993-8196

E-mail: nazhan@tc.gc.ca



Prof. Knut Lyng Sandvik

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

FAX : +47-73590898

E-mail : knut.sandvik@geo.ntnu.no



Mis. Marzenna POPEK

Maritime Academy Gdynia

FAX : +48-586206701

E-mail: marzenap@vega.wsm.gdynia.pl


Japan (Coordinator):

Susumu OTA

Ship Research Institute, Ministry of Transport

FAX : +81-422413101

E-mail : ohta@srimot.go.jp


3 Circular letter No.2

このCircular letterでは、 Circular letter No. 1に基づく各国のコメントをまとめ、さらなるコメントを求めた。また、C.G.のDSC 5への報告書の草案を示した。




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