日本財団 図書館

(A) Any problem on the judgment has not been experienced.

(B) There is no special method for judging the application. Judgment of the application of the requirement sometime be problem of ours.

(C) The application of the requirements is judged based on the result of the flow table test or the penetration method.

(D) The application of the requirement is judged based on the comparison of the actual moisture content of the cargo at shipment and its transportable moisture limit.


3. Investigation of materials suitable for the test for evaluating the liquefaction potential

3.1. Basic understanding

To evaluate the effectiveness of the liquefaction potential test, it is necessary to conduct the tests for various materials.

It is obvious that the result of the liquefaction potential test for typical fine granular mineral concentrate indicates "the material which may liquefy" and that one for very coarse materials such as ordinary iron ore indicates "the material is not liable to liquefy". Therefore, the data obtained by the liquefaction potential test using typical fine granular materials or very coarse materials are not significant in regard to the evaluation of the effectiveness of the test.

Taking these issues into consideration, we would like to look for comparatively fine granular materials which are transported in bulk regardless of moisture content and comparatively coarse granular materials which are subject to the requirements for liquefaction materials, as stated in the terms of reference.

Between DSC 5 and 6, subject to approval for the continuation of its work, we would like to conduct some tests using the materials found through the investigation to evaluate the effectiveness of the liquefaction potential test.

Action requested: C.G. members are invited to take note the above understanding and make comment on this understanding.


3.2. Looking for materials

We will look for materials suitable for the tests and send you the characteristics of the materials later. This work will continue in the period of second round of the C.G.

Action requested : C.G. members are invited to look for materials suitable for the tests. Status of the materials are as follows

(A) comparatively fine granular materials which are transported in bulk regardless of moisture content;

(B) comparatively coarse granular materials which are subject to the requirements for liquefaction materials;

(C) comparatively fine granular materials for which the test procedures for measuring flow moisture point, i.e., the flow table test procedure and the penetration test procedure, are not applicable; and

(D) any other materials suitable for the tests by your consideration.

C.G. members are invited to provide the information on the materials. It is preferable to provide the information on the following characteristics.

(1) name of the material (sipping name, trade name, etc.);

(2) type of the material, e.g., mineral concentrate, granulated slags, etc.;

(3) state of the carriage of the material, e.g., amount of the carriage of the material per year, number of voyages per year, major route of the voyage, experience of the carriage, etc.

(4) density of solid part and bulk density including moisture;

(5) ordinary moisture content at shipment;

(6) T.M.L., if applicable;

(7) possibility of sending the material (20 to 50 kg) during succesive research; and

(8) any other relevant information on the material.


4. Others

Action requested: Any other comments related to the work of the C.G. not requested above are very welcome.


Enclosure (2): 1999 Timeline

First Round:

Item (1) Confirmation and revision of the method of work including timeline

(2) Investigation on the scope of the application of the requirements for liquefaction materials

(3) Investigation of materials suitable for the test for evaluating the liquefaction potential

(4) Others




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