日本財団 図書館



ANDRINHA 46,650-dwt Multipurpose Open Hatch Bulk Carrier


The 46,650-dwt ANDRINHA is the 13th vessel of the same type built by Oshima Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. She was delivered in September 1998 to Nada Maritime Enterprise Co., Ltd.

The 1st, 2nd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th vessels are Japanese-owned, and the 3rd, 4th and 5th are Norwegian-owned. The special feature of the 13 vessels is their open hatch type box-shaped holds. The series has demonstrated excellent performance in seaworthiness, fuel economy and high cargo handling efficiency.

The ANDRINHA has a bulbous bow, stern bulb, highly skewed propeller to improve propulsion efficiency and reduce hull vibrations. And also the Diesel United Sulzer 7RTA52 main engine offers superior reliability and fuel oil consumption, in addition to easy operation and maintenance.

Two heavy-duty electrically driven gantry cranes have a lifting capacity of 40L.T. each and many cargo-handling functions. The design allows a variety of cargoes to be handled, such as roll paper, wooden pulp, packaged lumber, containers, grain, aluminum ingots, industrial vehicles and hot coils.

For handling sensitive forest products like roll paper, a fixed roof on gantry crane, retractable roofs on extended jibs of port/starboard side and rain shield are provided for protection from rain.

For smooth handling of roll paper, pulp and the like, extremely large open, box shape corners and perfectly flush-surfaced cargo holds are provided.

For humidity control purpose, sufficient capacity of hold dehumidifier system is provided, which contributes to the safe carriage of forest product cargoes, steel product and various break bulk commodities, etc.

Packaged lumber can be loaded in holds and on hatch covers. For easier handling of lashing equipment, lashing chain stowing bins are provided alongside hatch coaming and on hatch cover stowing positions.

The ample hatch strength and ship's stability gives great capacity for deck cargoes. A fixed solid "wave breaker" on the forecastle offers extra protection of deck cargo.







