FOUNTAIN RIVER 79,000m3 LPG Carrier
The 79,0003 LPG carrier FOUNTAIN RIVER was built at Sakaide Works of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. and delivered to River Gas Transport S.A. in November 1997.
1. The ship is designed to carry commercial propane and butane and has four (4) independent prismatic cargo tanks with insulation.
2. The IMO-classified independent Type A cargo tanks are designed for minimum vapor pressure of 0.25 bar G and a minimum temperature of -46℃. They are constructed of carbon manganese steel for low-temperature service.
3. The piping system is designed to allow the ship to load/unload and carry two (2) different cargoes simultaneously, with the maximum extent of tank combinations.
4. Two (2) electric motor-driven submerged pumps (600m3/h each) are provided for each cargo tank to unload cargo.
5. A 5,000 Nm3/h inert gas generator is provided for efficient gas change in the cargo tanks.
6. A damp tank developed by KHI has proven to be an effective way to minimize the propeller exciting force.