日本財団 図書館

JSMEA's International Activities Scheduled for Fiscal 1998




・ Strengthening of Internationalization Projects for the Ship Machinery Industry

JSMEA has held informal meetings with ship machinery manufacturers from other countries. The fourth such meeting with our Chinese colleagues and the eleventh with our South Korean colleagues are scheduled for this fiscal year.

・ Participation in International Conferences on Marine Technology

Technical experts on diesel engines will be sent to IMO meetings and the consultative meetings of engine builders' associations (EUROMOT, EMA, etc.).


JETRO Representatives in Singapore and New York

Succeeded by New Appointees


The directors of the Ship Machinery Departments at JETRO Singapore and JETRO New York, both introduced in Nos. 70 and 71 respectively of Jsmea News, have been succeeded by new appointees.

The new directors are Mr. Shinichiro Tanaka in Sin-gapore and Mr. Toshihiko Sonoda in New York.



Mr. Tanaka



Mr. Sonoda


New JSMEA President



Mr. Hirataka Doi, former senior managing director of JSMEA is now serving as president, succeeding Mr. Takumi Mogi.


・ Sponsorship of Overseas Technical Seminars on the Ship Machinery Industry.

To introduce new technologies and products of the Japanese ship machinery industry to foreign shipowners and shipbuilders, seminars have been held from 1981 in Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and other countries. In June 1998, JSMEA sponsored another seminar in the series in Athens, Greece.


・ Participation in International Maritime Exhibitions

To make the products and technologies of the Japanese ship machinery industry widely known abroad, JSMEA will participate in the following prestigious international exhibition:

SMM '98

29 September - 3 October, 1998

Hamburg Exhibition Center, Hamburg, Germany


・ Publication in English

The association produces an official English-language publication in which the latest technologies and products of the Japanese ship machinery industry are featured to widely publicize them to foreign shipowners and shipbuilders. Two issues are scheduled for 1998.


Please send your inquires about Jsmea

News to the following JSMEA Head office.


JSMEA Japanese Marine Equipment Association


Head Office: Bansui Building,5-16, Toranomon 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001, Japan

Tel. +81-3-3502-2041

Fax. +81-3-3591-2206

E-mall: info@jsmea.or.jp


URL: http://www.jsmea.or.jp


Overseas Offices:


Ship Machinery Department

16 Raffles Quay, #38-05, Hong Leong Building,

Singapore O48581, Republic of Singapore

Tel.+65-226-4081 Fax.+65-224-1169


JETRO, Sydney

Ship Machinery Department

Level 19, Gateway, 1 Macquarie Place, Sydney

NSW 2000, Australia

Tel. +61-2-9241-3639 Fax. +61-2-9251-7631


JETRO, New York

Ship Machinery Division

44th Floor, McGraw Hill Building, 1221, Avenue of the

Americas, New York, N.Y, 10020-1079, U.S.A.

Tel. +1-212-997-0448 Fax. +1-212-819-7782


Japan Ship Centre (JETRO)

Ship Machinery Department

11th Floor, St. Clare House, 30/33 Minories,

London EC3N 1DD, England

Tel. +44-171-488-0311 Fax. +44-171-488-1148

E-mail: jsc@easynet.co.uk





