日本財団 図書館

c) Tests in various (real) conditions

Various F.O., torque rich condition, unbalance condition, etc.

(Note: Manufacturers of vehicles have large circuits in their factories and therefore many prototypes are tested in these circuits.)

d) Production of the first mass-product engine

In our engine development process, the third step (testing in various conditions) was actually omitted and instead the first engine was used for testing in a variety of actual conditions. Consequently, as with any newly released model, the first line always has more bugs it than their successors. As a result, NYK placed a handicap on RTA96C (a 2% curtailment of power factor) so as to increase the margin.

Power factor (Pme x Cm)

Accordingly, the power factor should be less than 137 (= 17.5*8.0*0.98) bar*m/s. In other words, the maximum power per cylinder should be less than 4,965 kW.


Equipment Selection Process

To achieve a balance between Pme and Cm, we decided on Pme = 17.09 bar and Cm = 7.83 m/s. In other words, CMCR became 53,300 kW at 94 rpm.





