日本財団 図書館

The second is the target in the Baikal Lake was not to get a very high climatic resolution, not year per year as in other smaller lake sediments, but this Lake is important because of the uplift of the Tibet plateau which took place during the last 5 million years or so, and you have a record definitely of the situation before the Tibet Plateau and all the events which are connected with the uplift of the Tibet Plateau. So the main target is really to study all the effects related to the uplift of the Tibet Plateau.


Chairperson: May I have a question ?

Man: Do you have any intention to have a response from previous presenter ?



So with this we would like to conclude the morning session. And afternoon session begins as is scheduled. It starts at 1:10. So it starts 10 minutes past 1.


Thank you very much for waiting. Now it is time to resume the session. I'd like to announce the resumption of the session and to start the afternoon.




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