日本財団 図書館

The impact structure is situated here on the northern part of the Yucatan peninsula. Half of the structure is presently under water. In order to develop a sound science plan for a comprehensive long-term drilling program combined with a surface measurements laboratory experiments and studies, we will have a workshop in a few weeks in Merida where all the international experts who have new data were invited to present their contributions, and we expect as a result of this workshop we will come out with a drilling plan and a long-term concept.



Excellent cores have been obtained by shallow drilling in the Chicxulub region which clearly demonstrate the impact nature of this phenomenon, so there is no doubt any more that we are really dealing with an impact structure. These rocks are already available for international studies, and are presently being investigated by a number of groups.


(Fig. 68)

There is presently a competition in Europe between two new proposals for major drilling projects in Greece. One is related to a drilling project in the Gulf of Corinth which is the fastest spreadening continental riff. The idea is to establish a multi-borehole observatory here in order to study faulting and the inter-relationship with earthquake generation and fluid circulation in this area. We hope to get funds or financial support from the European Union for this program.



The second one is a joint ICDP-ODP drilling plan that would consist of several boreholes on the island of Crete completed by a number of boreholes offshore. There was a workshop in October last year in Chania, and also people from the ODP community were present, and they will come up with a proposal for such a joint ODP-ICDP activity.



Improved understanding of the physical and chemical processes controlling the mechanics of faultings and the generation of earthquakes is among the top-priority targets of the IDCP. Therefore since the very first discussions of continental drilling, a deep drill-hole into the San Andreas fault zone was among the first proposals presented, and this proposal is now submitted for re-evaluation to the National Science Foundation with a modified drilling and sampling scheme. The idea is to start a bore at a distance of about 1.5 km. apart from the present-day active fault zone, to drill into the basement, deviate the borehole, drill through to presently active seismic zone into the fault zone, and instrument the borehole with a number of devices for long- term monitoring and measurement. ICDP already decided to co-finance this project and we hope that this project can soon be started.



The next and last picture shows that the ICDP is a very young project. It is only in operation since one year. We already achieved a number of things but we have still many things to do and try to get the necessary funding for all our plans. All the information you want to have, or you might want to have, you can obtain from the Internet. All what I told here and all additional information is available from our Webpages.


Thank you very much.






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