日本財団 図書館

Fig. 1; The model topography, representing the vertical cross section of a strait in the northeasternpart of the Kuril Islands, where tidal currents are strong enough to cause considerable mixing.

Fig. 2; The time series of the internal mode stream function in the M2 case during the sec-ond tidal period; after (a)1.25, (b)1.5, (c)1.75, and (d)2.0periods. The contour interval is 1.0 × 105cm2s-1. Values in non shaded areas and the thicker shaded areas are positive and negative, respectively, and the absolute values in the thinner shaded areas are less than 1 × 104cm2s-1.

Fig. 3; Same as in Fig. 3 but for the K1 case

Fig. 4; The distribution of vertical velocity (w) around the sill top in the K1 case after 0.375period, when individual waves excited around the maximum rightward flow have propagated upward. Values in non shaded areas and the thicker shaded areas are positive and negative, respectively, and the absolute values in the thinner shaded areas are less than 0.1cms-1.


Fig. 6; The evolution of vertical velocity (w) in the K1 case during the 1st period; after (a)0.125, (b)0.25, (c)0.375, (d)0.5, (e)0.625, (f)0.75, (g)0.875, (h)1 period. The contour interval is 0.5cms-1. Values in non shaded areas and the thicker shaded areas are positive and negative, respectively, and the absolute values in the thinner shaded areas are less than 0.1cms-1.

Fig. 7; The velocity vector around the sill top in the K1 case after 0.875 period, when a bottom intensified current over the sill top is produced.

Fig. 8; The subsequent evolution of potential density (σθ) around the sill top in the K1 case; after(a)1.125, (b)1.25, (c)1.375, (d)1.5periods. The contours are the same as in Fig. 6.

Fig. 9; (a) The calculated potential temperature distribution after 6 periods, and (b) the observed potential temperature distribution in the Kruzenshterna Strait.

Fig. 10; Vertical diffusivity estimated from the Eulerian point of view (Fickian) for (a) the M2 caseand (b) the K1 case, using the calculated velocity fields in the 2nd period.





