OTC 8733
Flow Assurance Instrumentation
Roy Kutlik, Chevron, and John Allen, ABB Seatec
OTC 8734
Repair of a Gulf of Mexico Platform Using API RP2A Section 17 Guidelines and Multiple Underwater Repair Techniques
K. P. Daniel, Vastar Resources Inc.; Jack Couch, Oceaneering Intl. Inc.; and F. J. Puskar, EQE Intl. Inc.
OTC 8735
Evaluation of Analysis Methods for Response Prediction of Dent-Damaged Tubular Steel Bracing Members
J. M. Ricles, Lehigh U., and W. M. Bruin, EQE Intl. Inc.
OTC 8736
Influence of Framing Configuration on the Robustness of Offshore Stuctures
Joseph Gebara, Hugh Westlake, Sam DeFranco, and Pat O'Connor, Amoco Corp.
OTC 8737
Fatigue Reassessment of the Cerveza and Cerveza Ligera Platforms for Use in New Deepwater Develepments
R. E. Sheppard, EQE Intl. Ltd.; T. M. Miller, Unocal/Spirit Energy 76; P. W. Marshall, MHP Systems Engineering; and G.S.Johnson, EQE Intl.
OTC 8738
Carbon-Fibre Composite for Offshore Structural Strengthening
A. F. Dier, MSL Engineering Ltd., F. Barnes, DML

OTC 8741
HPHT, Development of the Subsea Option
N. E. Oakes, Shell U. K. E&P
OTC 8742
HPHT Plarform Wellheads and Christmas Trees-Performance Testing to Installation
Kenny Thomson and F. C. Adamek, ABB Vetco Gray Inc.
OTC 8743
Operation of the U. K.'s First HTHP Platform-6 Months' Experience
J. K. Schmoll Texaco Inc.; S. B. Middleton, Texaco U. K. Ltd.; M. J. Mawby, Texaco North Sea U. K. Ltd.; and A. A. Slater, Texaco U. K. Ltd.
OTC 8744
Subsea Completions for HPHT-Reality or Wishful Thinking
Dave Garnham and Bill Taylor, Cameron
OTC 8745
Current Tree System Developments in Support of Anticipated Subsea HP/HT Applications
S. P. Fenton and R. K. Voss, ABB Vetoo Gray
OTC 8746
Erskine Field-A Case Study in Completing and Perforating HTH
R. A. Brockman and R. McCombie, Texaco North Sea U. K. Co. Altemate
OTC 8747
Erskine-Development of the First UKCS HTHP Field
J. P. Brubaker, Texaco U. K. Ltd.
OTC 8748
Deep Water Drilling-Identifying the Technical Challenges
G. W. Sparkman, Energy Research Clearing House, and Terri Smith, Technical Writing Services
OTC 8749
Rapid Evolution of Ultra-Deep Water Drilling Rig Designs
T. S. Burns, R&B Falcon Corp., and W. T. Bennett, Bennett&Assocs. L. L. C.
OTC 8750
Deepwater Well Contnrol-Where Are We, What Are We Doing, and What Do We Need?
C. E. Weddle III, BP Exploration Inc.
OTC 8751
MudLift Drilling System Operations
Riley Goldsmith, Goldsmith Engineering Inc.
OTC 8752
Riserless and Mudlift Drilling-The Next Steps in Deepwater Drilling
C. P. Peterman, Hydril Co.
OTC 8753
Deepwater Rig Design for 10,000 Feet of Water
M. D. Wilburn and R. E. Steddum, Transocean Offshore Inc., and J. M. Shaughnessy, Amoco Corp.
OTC 8754
Generation Enhancement of Semisubmersible Drilling Units
P. J. Gavankar and Vissa Rammohan, Bechtel Offshore
OTC 8755
Back to the Future in Depth Imaging, One Company's Perspective
M. N. McElroy and K. D. Wyatt, Phillips Petroleum Co.
OTC 8756
Depth Imaging: A Practitioner's View J. P. Leveille, Amerada Hess Corp.