OTC 8710
Design and Rationale of the Final Rule on the Deep Water Royalty ReliefAct
M. B. Rose, T. W. Farndon, and S. J. Fraser Minerals Management Service
OTC 8711
Improving Offshore Safety and Excelling at a Coast Guard Inspection
J. E. Elliott, U. S. Coast Guard
OTC 8712
Upgrading Production Facilities on the Funan Platform to Remove Hydrocarbons and Heavy Metals from Produced Water
T. C. Frankiewicz, Unocal E&P Technology, and Sutus Tussaneyakul, Unocal Thailand
OTC 8713
MJ Lay, A Modular Deepwater Pipelay System Alain Coutarel and Dominique de Soras, Coflexip Stena Offshore
OTC 8714
Deepwater Pipelaying Offshore West Africa: A Comparison Between Rigid Pipe Laying Techniques and Equipments
A. J. Borelli and D. Perinet, ETPM Intl.
OTC 8715
Conversion of the Derrick Barge "hercules" for Deepwater Pipelay
R Malahy, Global Industries Ltd.
OTC 8716
Qualification of Weldable Modified 13% Cr Stainless Steel Linepipe for Reelship Installation
S. A. Duthie, Coflexip Stena Offshore
OTC 8717
First Arctic Subsea Pipelines Moving to Reality
Anthony Braden, Vic Manikian, Dan Rice, and Greg Swank, State of Alaska Joint Pipeline Office, and Dennis Hinnah, Kyle Monkelien, and Jeff Walker, Minerals Management Service
OTC 8718
Coiled Tubing Pipelines: The Technology and Cost Effectiveness Challenge
F. A. Kenawy and W. F. Ellaithy, Gulf of Suez Petroleum Co.;Andre Burseaux and Franck Louvety, Stolt Comex Seaway; and Dennis Dunlap, Precision Tube Technology
OTC 8720
Optimizing 3D Seismic Surveys: Off-the-Shelf? Or Out-of-the-Box?
Leon Thomsen, Amoco E&P

OTC 8723
AMJIG Interference Noise Study Increases Vessel Productivity by Minimising Time Share
J. Karwatowski, Mobil North Sea Ltd.
OTC 8724
Deghosting and Free-Surface Multiple Attenuation of Multi-Component OBC Data
L. T. Ikelle, Texas A&MU.
OTC 8725
Cost Reduction and Quality Improvement in 3D Marine Seismic Surveys Using Local Tidal Conditions
Sotiris Kapotas and Claude Bordenave, Total S. A.
OTC 8726
An Iterative Inversion of Seismic Data Constrained by Wells Using Artificial Neural Networks
Z. L. Liu, Chengdu Inst. Of Technology; J. Q. Liu, Harbin Inst. of Technology; J. P. Castagna, U. of Oklahoma; and C. H. Pan, Chang Qing Petroleum Bureau
OTC 8727
Technology Growh Through Deep Star
P. R. Hays, Texaco Inc. OTC 8728 Predicting Hydrate Plug Movement During Subsea Flowline Depressurization Operations J. J. Xiao and George Shoup, Amoco WE&C; Greg Hatton, Southwest Research Inst.; and Veet Kruka, Shell E&P Tec
OTC 8728
Predicting Hydrate-Pulg Movement During Subsea Flowline-Depressurization Operations
J. J. Xiao and G. J. Shoup Amoco Corp,; G. Hatton, Southwest Research Inst.; and V. Kruka, Shell E&P Technology
OTC 8729
Subsea Intervention Requirements
K. Kirkland, Intec Engineering Inc., and. Steel, BP Exploration Inc.
OTC 8730
Dynamic Steel Tube Umbilicals
K. I. Ekeberg, Alcatel Kabel Norge AS, and P. E. Norris, Texaco Offshore Engineering
OTC 8731
Shallow Water Flow Technology Update
G. H. Medley Jr., Maurer Engineering Inc.
OTC 8732
Comparative Analysis of 12,500 ft. Water Depth Steel and Advanced Composite Drilling Risers
W. F. Andersen and O. Burgdorf Jr., Northrop Grumman Marine Systems, and T. F. Sweeney ABB Vetco Gray