Metric Conversion Factors
1. Baker and Gomez, "Formation of Hydrates During Deepwater Drilling Operations", JPT, 297-301 (March 1989).
2. Grigg and Lynes, "Oil-Base Mud as a Gas-Hydrate Inhibito", SPE Drilling Engineering, 32-38 (March 1992) .
3. Yousif and Young, "A Simple Correlation to Predict the Hydrate Point Suppression in Drilling Fluids", SPE/IADC 25705 (1993).
4. Ebeltoft, Yousif, and Soergaard, "Hydrate Control During Deep Water Drilling: Overview and New Drilling Formulations", paper SPE 38576 pre-sented at the 1997 Annual Technical Conference and Exhbition in San Antonio (5-8 October 1997).
5. "Phase Behavior of Water/Hydrocarbon Systems", Petroleum Engineering Handbook, Ch. 25, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
6. Kobayashi and Katz, "Methan Hydrate at High Pressure", Trans., AIME 186:66-70 (1949).
7. McLeod Jr., and Campbell, "Natural Gas Hydrates at Pressures to 10,000 psi", JPT, 590-595 (June 1961).