日本財団 図書館

4. Daily Life at Nursery School



(1) Arriving and Leaving

a. Parents (guardians) are responsible for taking their children to school and picking them up.

b. Please notify us in advance whenever someone other than a parent takes or picks up your child.

c. Please notify us in advance if your child is going to be late or absent, or if the pick up time will be late.

d. If an official storm/flood/snow/earthquake or other alert is announced before taking your child to school, please stay home with your child.

When an official alert is announced after you have taken your child to school, please pick up your child as soon as possible.


a. 登降園は、保誰者が責任をもってお子さんの送り迎えをしてください。

b. 送り迎えをする人を変更する場合には、前もって保育園に連絡をしてください。

c. 欠席の場合や登園・お迎えが遅くなる場合は、前もって保育園に連絡をしてください。

d. 登園前に暴風・大雨・洪水・大雪等の警報および地震の警戒宣言が発令された場合には、登園を見合わせてください。



(2)School Lunch

Children under three years of age will be provided with a main dish, side dish and snack.

Children three years age and older will be given a side dish and snack. A main dish must be brought from home. (For a school lunch main dish, there is a monthly fee of \___)



3歳以上児には副食とおやつを提供します。主食はご家庭から持ってきてください。(主食代として毎月   円を納入してください。)


(3) Other Matters

a. Please notify the school in writing of any change of address, employment address or occupation of parent/guardian.

b. Please write your child's name on all clothing and belongings.

c. Periodic evacuation drills and health measurements (height and weight) are conducted at school.


a. 保誰者の勤務先や職業、住所が変わった場合には、保育園に届け出てください。

b. お子さんの衣服・持ち物には、名揃をつけてください。

c. 保育園では、定期的に避難訓練や身体計測を行います。




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