日本財団 図書館

3 Speak Sincerely


The same words spoken in a different manner, under different circumstances, and given a different trust relationship between the speaker and the listener, could be received very differently. To ensure effective communication (in which your points are well taken) in a face-to-face meeting, please note the following points.


(1) Be kind and sincere

Place yourself in the position of the other person, and speak with sincerity.


(2) Be polite

People are equal. Arrogance and pushiness are unacceptable. You should always take care to never embarrass or humiliate the other person.


(3) Be friendly

Adopt a calm and easy way of speaking. Maintain eye contact, speak slowly but clearly. Restlessness on your behalf may make the other person nervous.


(4) Confirm the other person's understanding

Always pay attention to and check whether the other person has understood you. If there has been any misunderstanding, consider why this may have come about.


(5) Conclude in a friendly manner

Understand the other person's objective as quickly as possible, and make your answer and explanation clear and to the point. End the meeting politely with appropriate words that will leave them with a good impression.





