日本財団 図書館

3 Examples of the Globalization of Ethics


Recent examples of the globalization of ethics are outlined as follows.


・Member States of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) adopted the "Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions" in November, 1997. Each member state has been asked to sign it. The essence of this treaty is that each member state makes the bribery of a foreign public official a criminal offense by its own legislation within its own country. The background to this is said to be that the USA is currently the only country in the world with a law existing to prohibit the bribery of foreign public officials. The USA itself, proposed the convention in the belief that American enterprises were at a disadvantage in comparison to those in other countries with no restrictions on offering bribery to foreign officials.

・The Council of the OECD recommended the "Improvement of Ethical Conduct in the Public Service" to its member states in April 1998. It recommended that they take action to ensure that their institutions and systems for promoting ethical conduct function efficiently. It also presented 12 principles for ethical conduct in the public service, among which were; "Ethical standards for the public service should be clearly defined.", "Public servants should know their rights and obligations when wrongdoing is exposed."

・The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the resolution "Action Against Corruption" in December, 1996. This requested that member states take appropriate action against corruption. The resolution established an International Code of Conduct for Public Officials and recommended it to member states as a tool to guide their efforts against corruption. This code stipulates 11 principles, including "Public officials shall not use their official authority for the improper advancement of their own or their family's personal or financial interest."

・The European Union adopted a treaty against corruption among public officials in member states. The World Trade Organization continues to discuss the issue of bribery as a barrier against free trade.





