日本財団 図書館

Sheet 80




Four different types of approach may be taken to the issue of raising ethics awareness. The most appropriate approach should be taken according to the situation at hand.


1 "Don't" Approach


In this approach, laws and regulations prohibit certain conduct and any breach of these is penalized. One example of this is the code of discipline.

For this approach to work, a document is required describing all the types of behavior that are prohibited. Certain people, however, may interpret this too literally without understanding the true spirit of the prohibitions and circumvent them. To prevent this from happening, further details may be issued. This will minimize the possibility of conflict arising in an office, but at the same time it will give employees little sense of vitality.


2 Cost-Benefit Approach


This approach is designed to make employees understand that bribery does not pay. It clearly defines how the benefits gained from bribery are vastly outweighed by the financial, social and psychological burdens that result. This is achieved through presenting employees with case studies where bribery-taking was detected and the life of the person involved was made miserable as a result.

This approach is based on the principle that any person with any sense of reason would weigh up the benefits and disadvantages in advance. For this approach to work well, officials must be made to realize how great the disadvantages are when corruption is detected and to increase the possibility of corruptive behavior being discovered.


3 System Approach


This approach is based on the establishment of an operational system or working environment where corruption is unlikely to take place. Rotating officials in charge of contracting regularly, ensuring that license giving is handled by more than one official, and checking that all systems are operated fairly are examples of this approach.

The number of corruption may be reduced if there is an overall revision in work operations. It is important to establish a system that will decrease the possibility of officials being enticed into corruption without relying too much on the personal standards of ethics of each individual employee.


4 "Do" Approach


Unlike the methods outlined previously, this approach is rather indirect. The principle of this is to encourage employees to diligently serve the public and provide them with good service. This, in itself, will raise morale and create an atmosphere in the office that is far removed from corruption.

In this approach, each individual member of staff must judge for themselves in what manner they may serve the public better. Employees, as a result, will become more creative and self-independent.





