日本財団 図書館

(2) Know your staff

"Bosses takes 3 years to get to know their staff, but it takes their staff just 3 days to know them." Bosses rarely truly know their staff, e.g. can you pinpoint if any of your staff display the following traits at present ?

・Dresses in a showy manner? Appears to have a lot of cash at hand ?

・Seems lethargic ? Looks like something is bothering them ?

・Places an increasing number of external calls and whispers when talking on the phone ?

・Often arranges meetings with strangers within the office compound ?

・Works energetically but with little regard to proper work procedures ?

・Has an increase in absenteeism, reports late and leaves early ?

If any of your staff display any of the above, talk with them and identify and address the problem. To leave the matter untouched despite having observed unhealthy signs such as this, may only result in bigger problem later. Also, favoritism or condoning a certain level of misbehavior in otherwise competent staff may lead to an overall lack of discipline and ethics in the office.


3 Say NO to Corruption


The use of slogans as a constant reminder is one effective way to prevent corruption.


(1) No Special Rights, No Special Favors

(2) Don't Deal with a Contractor Single-Handedly

(3) Say No even to a Cup of Coffee

(4) Say No to Entertainment

(5) No Loose Talk

(6) Say No to Gifts

(7) No Favor Is too Small to Say No to regarding Contractors

(8) No Favors; Not to Friends, Not to Benefactors, Not to Anyone

(9) No Money Sense, No Sound Judgment

(10) Talk to Your Family About Corruption





