日本財団 図書館

(3) Appropriate Layout


The layout most appropriate to the type of job or preferences of each employee are outlined as follows.


・Shared Office

: Suitable for jobs which require a lot of teamwork.

: Appropriate for situations in which a manager must guide staff and supervise their operations(Island Layout, School Layout).

: People who are motivated more by the contribution they may make to their organization than developing their own specialty prefer this type of layout.

: Employees who wish to manage other staff prefer this way to work as it provides an opportunity for their performance to be recognized by other employees in the same office.

・Private Office

: Suitable when the description of each job is clearly defined and highly specialized knowledge or skills are required to perform the duty.

: Suitable where evaluation of the employee's performance is easily measured by their accomplishment and there is little need to supervise their day to day operations.

: People who wish to concentrate on their own area of specialty and achieve personal accomplishments prefer this type of layout.


As explained above, the office layout most appropriate depends on the type of job itself and how each employee is motivated. In reality, however, offices are often laid out uniformly throughout the organization with little respect to any of these factors or consideration as to what might be best appropriate. In a lot of cases, the location of filing cabinets or desks is determined without asking the employees' opinions in advance.







