日本財団 図書館

4 Noise


Too much din in the office is created by office equipment such as facsimile and copy machines, phone calls, conversation and noise from outside. Phone calls or conversation may be inevitable but we can reduce the noise emitted from office equipment, for instance, by placing it in an area separate from the work space.

Noise can be reduced, with a bit of imagination, by means such as placing a partition in the office or covering partitions with sound absorbing material. Curtains may help prevent noise filtering through from outside.


5 Tone of Color


The color of office walls, curtains and flooring have an enormous impact on the productivity of the employees working there. The following color chart indicates what effects different colors have on people.

・Navy blue  Stabilizes people's minds. Their thinking will be more active.

・Light blue  Reduces levels of stress. Makes people feel more relaxed.

・Green  Provides a sense of security. People will act more slowly.

・Orange  Excites the imagination. People will converse more actively.

・Yellow  Attracts attention. People get excited and find it easier to concentrate.

・Brown  Makes people calm and less active.


6 Open Space & Refreshment Space


Good ideas quite often appear when a conversation takes place in a relaxed atmosphere or when people are surrounded by nature. It is important to reduce people's stress. They will incite their imagination and increase their powers of concentration. If stress is to be reduced, a space needs to be provided where employees may have a change of air. This may be achieved in the form of an open space where employees can converse with each other in their break time or a refreshment space where staff can feel relaxed without being disturbed. Even if it is difficult to provide such a space, employees may be made to feel a little more comfortable if plants are placed in the office or the wind and sunlight are allowed to enter.





