日本財団 図書館

Sheet 25




A filing system is a series of procedures from storing documents to disposing of them, with the purpose of classifying them systematically and retrieving them with ease. A good filing system is a system in which each member of staff may find any document easily of any time required.


1 Filing Systems


The following points must be taken care of in establishing a good filing system.


(1) Quick and Accurate Retrieval

If it takes time to ascertain which documents are actually stored and it is difficult to retrieve what is required as a result of inaccurate indexing, the filing system is useless. Quick and accurate retrieval is essential. In an information disclosure system, for example, the speed in which public officials can retrieve and disclose the information requested is extremely important in terms of providing good service to the public.

(2) Simple

The filing system must be simple and easy to use by every member of staff. Nobody will make a use of system that is difficult to operate, no matter how accurate it may be. If filing is always delegated to an assistant and officials are unable to retrieve any document required without of the help of that assistant, it is not a good filing system. Manuals about how to store and locate information should be provided so that every employee may access documents with ease.

(3) Economical

A filing system which is easy to operate but expensive to administer is ineffective in terms of efficiency.

(4) Flexible

The filing system must be flexible so that classifications or methods of retrieval may be adapted according to new needs. When a filing system is established, future expansion or alteration must be taken into consideration and a level of flexibility built in for this purpose.





