日本財団 図書館

5 Indifference


A person who doesn't like gambling is unlikely to be interested in talking about horse racing. Likewise, a conversation about fishing may not arouse the interest of a person who enjoys golf. When a person is not interested in the topic of conversation, the conversation is unlikely to last very long. The person may ignore or forget the contents of the conversation shortly after. Good communication requires that both parties share a common interest.


6 Too Much Expectation


Have you ever made a mistake while using a computer and typed a capital letter for a small letter ? When something like this happens, it is futile to let the error frustrate you or blame the computer program for not adjusting the mistake automatically.

It is useless to complain to a computer. You may feel more exasperated, however, if a person with whom you spoke fails to act as you expected, even if it was your inability to express yourself clearly that caused the misunderstanding to begin with. If you expect other people to always behave exactly as you intend, you are likely to find cause for complaint, and this will only make smooth communication very difficult.


7 Mental Instability


Human beings have their ups and downs. People, however, often hesitate to speak to someone who wears their emotions on their face. It is difficult to communicate well with a person who is enraged. Smooth communication requires that both parties have a level of mental stability.


8 Different Senses of Values


It is pointless to compete over whose sense of values is superior. All parties must concede and cooperate with one another if communication is to take place. Everyone has different senses of values and if good communication is prevented because of these, the goal of the organization may never be achieved.

Having different senses of values is no excuse for employees to be hostile to one another. They should keep an open mind about the personal values of others and communicate well in order to pursue the organizational goals.





