日本財団 図書館

Sheet 17




The main discussion points are as follows.


1 How the decision to set up a project team came about


For a project team to be successful, the full cooperation of all related sections is essential. Each party must convey their approval in advance for the establishment, authority and role of the team. In this case, the Planning Department decided these matters without any consultation with other sections. Setting up the team to realize the idea of the Mayor might have made other sections feel forced to comply.

Mr. Ishida should have consulted and sought the approval of other sections before setting up the project team and deciding its role. He should also have reviewed relations between the team and the organizations represented in terms of authority when problems arose.


2 Selection of team members


Two methods of selection were available. The first was selection by the project team themselves(they could have nominated specific members irrespective of their position or designated specific posts). The second option was to leave the selection to the hands of each section. The following advantages and disadvantages can be attributed to each.


(1) The project team selects a specific person


・They could pick up influential people from each section to ensure that implementation of the final plan would be fairly trouble free.

・They could gather together the most competent personnel.

・It would be easy to create a balance of members in terms of rank and age.


・It would be difficult to maintain a balance between members' regular work and work specifically assigned to the team.

・It may create antagonism if competent staff are enlisted in the team without their sections' approval.

・Without a say in the choice of members, sections are unlikely to view the project as their own and will feel no obligation to cooperate.


(2) The project team designates a specific post


・They could gather personnel who are qualified with the necessary information and knowledge.

・It would be easy to create a balance of members in terms of rank and age.


・Fresh ideas are unlikely to appear.

・Members might take a passive attitude thinking that they were only nominated because they occupy a designated post.





