日本財団 図書館

Sheet 15




1 Accomplishment of Organizational Goals


Members of government organizations must take care of the following points in order to accomplish the targets of their organization.

・Develop a common organizational goal.

・Recognize the duties and responsibilities of each member.

・Cooperate with other members of their organization.

・Develop clear lines of communication with other staff.


2 The Functions of Line and Staff


Work can be classified into line work the performance of which directly relates to the organizational target and staff work which supports a line organization to accomplish its objectives. Employees in each of these fields of work should strive to do the following.

(1) Employees in Line Organizations

・Respect the opinions and advice of staff organizations and introduce them when appropriate.

・Share information with staff organizations and keep them informed of any new developments.

・Stimulate staff organizations into undertaking effective research and putting forward their opinions and proposals.

(2) Employees in Staff Organizations

・Be fully supportive in their assistance for line organizations, trouble shoot their problems and provide advice and help where necessary, even it has not been requested.

・Recognize situations and problems that arise in line organizations and provide fitting advice, without limiting themselves to a narrow field of specialty.

・Develop their knowledge and techniques so that they may gain the full confidence and trust of line organizations.


3 Project Team


Today, changes in the situations that face government organizations have become so rapid that particular problems related to these frequently occur. To cope with these problems, project teams which consist of members from all the sections concerned are sometimes set up to find a solution.

The benefits of setting up a project team are outlined as follows.

・It does away with the need to establish a new unit to troubleshoot particular problems.

・It enlists the cooperation of all the relevant sections necessary to solving the problem.

・It gathers together competent employees from various sections.

・It helps smooth the implementation of the results produced by the team since all the relevant sections are represented therein.

・It develops staff connections across the various organizations.





