日本財団 図書館


The Minister, the Minister of the Delegation, the Secretary of State are all political appointees(when members of parliament are appointed to these posts, they must resign from their position as parliamentary members. Career officials are often appointed to these posts.). There are 28 political appointees in the present cabinet. Senior executive posts such as that of Director General are also stipulated as political appointees. Figures for these posts stood at 468 as of 1996. In most cases, career officials are appointed to these senior posts. Staff serving the Minister's cabinet are not legally political appointees but are, for all intents and purposes, appointed with political consideration. The number of cabinet staff varies greatly from government to government, with between 300 and 900 at any given time. There are 404 cabinet staff in the present government. Approximately 70% of these posts are occupied by career officials.



The Minister and Parliamentary Secretary of each Ministry are all political appointees(normally appointed from among parliamentary members) and there are over 40 of such posts in total. Senior executives such as Secretaries, Director Generals and Ambassadors are also stipulated as political appointees and can be replaced quite easily should the government decide. There are just under 500 of such posts.





