日本財団 図書館

Chapter 2 Main issues in promoting administrative reforms


1 Revision of administrative activities


(1) Rationalization of administrative activities

1: Reconsider the areas for which the administration should be responsible; work for greater rationalization through close consideration of the necessity for administrative intervention, balance of costs and benefits, efficiency, effect, etc.

2: When promoting reforms as mentioned in 1, local authorities should set out fixed points of emphasis in each fiscal year, according to their own situation, and work to carry them through systematically.

3: Even with projects which have already been planned or started, the decision to implement them further or not should be made after full reconsideration of their necessity and effectiveness.

4: Residents' demands are becoming more complex and diverse. Local authorities should grasp an understanding of these demands and work to choose or emphasize projects to be implemented.

5: In providing residents with services or implementing policies, local authorities should as far as possible coordinate across organizations and strive to ensure that work is carried out comprehensively.

6: Local authorities should strive for improvement of the administrative operating process to meet their own circumstances through the setting of well-defined targets and effective, all-round control of progress with the participation of staff members, and the induction and adaptation of the ideas and methods of the private sector, such as the use of circle activities or a suggestions system.


(2) Promotion of deregulation

1: The abolition or easing of regulations implemented by local authorities should be considered in order to sustain and strengthen the vigor of the private sector, to reduce the burden on residents and to simplify administration.

2: Licensing procedures should be made as simple and short as possible, in order to improve the service to residents. Especially, the affixing of seals by residents should be reconsidered and rationalized or abolished


(3) Promotion of delegation to the private sector

1: For more efficient administration and improved service for residents, local authorities should actively and systematically delegate to the private sector activities which may be properly delegated in line with local conditions.

2: In the case of l, local authorities should as appropriate control and supervise the private enterprises implementing the delegated administrative activities, in order to assure administration responsibility and to maintain and improve service.

3: The Ministry of Home Affairs plans to show some advanced examples of delegation to the private sector in another document.





