日本財団 図書館

1: In addition to the public announcement of staffing levels, wages, finance and auditors' reports, public announcement of how far the reform outlines have been promoted; also forward-looking public announcements so that residents can easily understand how far the plans have been advanced and what targets have been achieved.

2: Have administrative reform committees to oversee the progress of implementation of reforms.

3: In addition to audits by auditors, results of the assessment of administrative reform by specialist institutions should also be reflected in the review and formulation of administrative reform outlines, and effective utilization of the assessment for planned progress should also be considered.

4: In line with local conditions, the local authority should, through the setting up of a citizens' suggestion window, holding of polls, etc., gain an understanding of residents' evaluation of and opinions on the reform, and see that they are properly reflected in the implementation.


3 Fundamental points for the promotion of administrative reforms


(1) The local autonomy law says that 'In carrying out their duties, local authorities should strive to promote their residents' welfare and to provide the finest service with the minimum expense.,, (Article 2, section 13) Bearing this fundamental principle of local administration in mind, local authorities should carry out reforms based on a desire to serve and a managerial sense.


(2) In promoting the reforms, it is important that local authorities improve their services for residents and plan administrative systems with a flexible attitude not bound by existing frameworks or conventional thinking. In the near future, the administrative area in which local authorities make decisions will expand with decentralization. This means that every member of staff will be expected to consider for himself the best way and the right policy in doing his work. Leadership by governors and mayors in particular, and a change of staff consciousness ,are essential.


(3) In implementing administrative reforms, all administrative staff are expected to tackle the reforms as their own responsibility. Local authorities should work to establish a system to raise staff morale and creativity.


(4) It is recommended that administrative reforms be promoted with residents' participation.

In addition to the administrative reform committees etc., local authorities should maintain a wide spectrum of contact with their residents. Municipalities in particular should take care to set up forums in which residents and municipalities can exchange opinions.





