・ Gaining the trust of local residents
Local residents are highly interested in the actual circumstances of local government employees. The department works to gain the trust local residents through the establishment of a code of ethics for government employees and the regularization of the number of local government employees, their Salary, retirement allowance, and working hours.
・Establishment of a code of ethics for local government employees
・Rectification of salary based on the Laspeyres Index
・Rectification of numbers of local government employees based on personnel models
Election Department
Democracy is the fundamental principle of our constitution. The Election Department is responsible for planning the election system and the election expenses system.
・Planning of election system
Election systems form one of the most important systems for allowing people to take people to take part in politics, and are the basis of democratic politics in Japan. The system must reflect the interests and intentions of the people impartially and effectively on the national administration. It should also be continuously revised according to the changing political expectations of the people accompanying socio-economic changes.
The department is responsible for planning with the aim of establishing a fair and appropriate election system.
・Election system amended in 1997 and 1998
* Amendments to facilitate voting (approved in Dec. 1997, enacted in June 1998)
The Public Office Election Law was amended to facilitate voting. Voting time was extended by two hours, grounds for absentee voting were expanded and absentee voting time was extended by three hours.
* Amendment to hold same-day elections (approved in June 1997)
The Public Office Election Law was amended to allow both elections to be held on the same day if the end of terms of assemblymen and the chief executive fall close to each other. Due to the convenience of voting and more interest on the part of local residents, the voting rate is expected to be raised, and expenses for the holding of elections are expected to be reduced.
* Amendment allowing Japanese in foreign countries to vote (approved in April 1998)
Establishment of a system for the registration of Japanese voters living in foreign countries and a system of overseas voting in order to secure the voting rights of Japanese living in foreign countries.
・Appropriate and fair management of elections
The department is responsible for the appropriate and fair management of elections. It worked to prepare for the first election for the House of Councilors after the amendment of the Public Election Law to extend voting time, gives guidance to election administration committees all over Japan, and works to promote fair elections together with the Society for the Promotion of Fair Elections in order to raise public interest in elections.