日本財団 図書館

In modern Russian the character ё is often replaced by e in writing, that is, the use of the dieresis is optional, but it is still pronounced differently.

There are special signs which are used after a consonant to indicate their softness, -ь. soft sign (like Буссоль-Bussol' Strait), or separation from the following syllable -ь. Sometimes they are written in English using an apostrophe (') or characters i and y (e.g. Kril'on Cape or Krilion Cape), while it is more common just to omit them as we adopted in the nomenclature (e.g. Bol'shoy - Bolshoy).

In accordance with Russian grammar during the formation of a geographical name after a person or another geographical name the basic word changes its case from nominative into genitive or transforms from a noun into an adjective. This results in additional ending of the word. For example, Kruzenshterna Strait and Kruzenshtern Strait. The latter is an exact transliteration from Russian пролив Крузенштерна, which means a strait of Kruzenshtern (the strait was named after captain Ivan F. Kruzenshtern, head of a Russian expedition which explored the area in 1805). Another example is Sakhalin Bay and Sakhalinskiy Bay which mean the bay named after Sakhalin Island. Those endings do not carry basic meaning of the name and they are usually omitted in English translation. This is done in some English publications while not in others.





