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was conducted in Omaguin man-made canal on 16 February. Both clearing and mollusciciding with 5 kg of niclosamide were done also in Bunaos palawan and seepage on 17 February. Four temporary laborers were employed for the 4 and half day operations (Table 2).


3. Results of case finding survey in 1998.

As a continuance of annual prevalence surveys in Bohol, stool examination was conducted by thc Bohol Team from January to December last year. Of 9,762 villagers in the eight barangays examined, only 9(0.09%) were egg positives(Table 3). All the positives were treated with praziquantel.


4. Comments and recommendations

Since nine human new infections were found in the two municipalities last year, some unknown snail sites where transmission takes place should be found further in some barangays. Based on our house to house morbidity data, the continued efforts should be made to locate unknown snail sites.

Once new colonies have been found, clearing and mollusciciding should be done as early as possible. Professor K. Yasuraoka carried 10 kg niclosamide from Manila to Trinidad, Bohol on 11 February. This had already been carried from Victoria, Oriental Mindoro to Manila through the courtesy of Dr. Ohtake. Another 50 kg niclosamide may arrive at Trinidad, Bohol by the end of June 1999.


5. Acknowledgements

Thanks are due to Dr. A. Redulla and Bohol SCT staffs for their technical cooperation and assistance. Sincere appreciation is also expressed to Dr. B. Ducusin as well as the staff of SCS-DOH for their kind support.


With best wishes and personal regards,

Sincerely yours,


Kazuo Yasuraoka, Sc. D.

SMHF Expert




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