日本財団 図書館

2.3 Recommendations


Efforts should be continued to locate unknown snail sites based on data of the case-finding survey.


3. Acknowledgements


We are grateful to Dr. B. Ducusin, Director of the SCS, DOH, for permission to conduct these surveys and all the assistance received. For the ultimate technical assistance received from the staff involved in schistosomiasis control in the DOH and provinces of Oriental Mindoro and Bohol, we wish to record our deep gratitude.


with best wishes and personal regards,

Sincerely yours,



Hajime Matsuda, DVM, Ph. D.

SMHF Expert

Professor in Medical Zoology

Dokkyou Univ. School of Med.



Kazuo Yasuraoka, Sc.D.

SMHF Expert

Professor Emeritus

University. of Tsukuba.



Jun Matsuda, DVM

SMHF Expert

Research in Associate

Dokkyou Univ. School of Med.


cc: Dr. M. Fuentes, RHO-7, Cebu City, Cebu

Dr. F. Razalo, PHO, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Dr. R.G. Infantado, PHO, Calapan City, Or. Mindoro

Dr. E. J. Ilagan, SCT, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro

Dr, A. Redulla, SCT, Trinidad, Bohol

Dr. A. Auza, Prov. Task Force, Trinidad. Bohol

Dr. A. Self, WHO/WPRO, Manila

Prof. K. Kiikuni, SMHF, Tokyo




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