日本財団 図書館

Sample Escort Officer's Delegations Letter.





1. This memorandum serves to confirm your appointment as the official Escort Officer for the xxxxxxx contingent for the duration of the Exchange you will be flying to attend on the xx August 1998.


2. Your duties as Escort Officer commence on checking into the xxx Terminal in xxxxxxx on the xth August, until you leave the arrivals lounge on your return to xxxxxxxxx Airport on the xx th August 1998.


3. You will, as Escort Officer, be both accountable and responsible for the conduct and well being of the cadets under your control for the duration as listed in par 2 above. Both you and the contingent are covered under the Euro Assistance programme, the documents of which are attached.


4. During the Exchange in xxxxxxxxx, you will continue to be the responsible officer for the xxxxxxxxxxxx contingent, irrespective of whether or not you and they are separated in the course of the Exchange.


5. You are to ensure that the normal code of discipline of the xxxxxxxx Sea Cadet Corps is observed at all times by the contingent. You may, at your discretion, discipline any member of the contingent. Should such occasion arise where you deem it necessary to send any member of the contingent home early as a result of blatant misconduct, you are FIRST to obtain the consent of the xxxxxxxxxx,xxSCC,who you can reach through the office of the Officer Commanding the xxxxxxxxx Sea Cadet Corps, Lt Cdr xxxxxxx or the Chief Staff Officer Lt xxxxxxx, whose telephone Nos. are xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or xxxxxxxxx. It must be noted that any person being sent home prematurely will be TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE for the cost of the air ticket from xxxxxxxxx to xxxxxxxxxxxx,ther will be NO ASSISTANCE from the Corps in this regard.


6. You are to ensure that all legal orders affecting the contingent with regard to participation in any activity, are observed, unless good reason for the non-participation is offered by the member concerned.


7. PRIOR to departure from xxxxxxxxxxx you are to collect xxxxxxx Dollars xxxxx from each member of the contingent and retain these safely. These funds will be required to be paid in at the xxxxxxxxx Airport on your departure back to xxxxxxxxxxxx as the Airport Tax. Each member has been advised to have in their possession this amount to give to you. [This is only necessary if the airport tax cannot be pre-paid]


8. You are to ensure that the members of the contingent do not become stranded because of a lack of funds, you must ensure that they practice financial control at all times.


9. You and other members of the contingent are require to submit an objective report which will point out any shortcomings and give thanks and praise where necessary. These reports are required to reach the xxxxxxxxxx HQ within 30 days of the contingent's return.


10. The xxxxxx Camp Officer will exercise authority over you and the contingent at all times during the Exchange, irrespective of his rank.


11. You will be met at xxxxxxxx Airport on arrival by a member of the xxxxxxxx Sea Cadet Corps, who will arrange your conveyance to the camp. Look for people in naval style Uniform.


12. Kindly read the attached information from the xxxxxxxx Sea Cadet Corps concerning the Exchange. Note Annexure 3 - Kit List. Note also the specified Kit List.


13. Corps Headquarters thanks you for offering to act as the Escort Officer, and wishes the contingent every success and Bon Voyage.



xxxxxxxxx Sea Cadet Corps/Organisation Headquarters




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