日本財団 図書館


Fig. 2.4.4-2 3DK-20


Table 2.4.4-2 Main Particulars of 3DK-20 Type Engine





2.4.5 Diesel United, Ltd.

(1) New Model developed in 1997

1] DU-Sulzer RTA58T


Following the DU-Sulzer RTA48T-type engine completed in 1996, the DU-Sulzer RTA58T-type engine which had been developed as the main engine for medium to small bulk carriers and tankers was completed in February, 1997, and after the confirmatory tests for about 1 month on the reliability and various performances were carried out, the engine was delivered to the customer. The first model is the 7RTA58T 19,040 PS x 103 rpm, for the main engine for the AFRAMAX tanker built by NKK. The development targets of the RTA58T type engine are as follows based on the experiences with the conventional RTA series engines, and the particulars of the engine as the main engine most suitable for the market requests were determined.

1) Output and engine speed optimum for the ship planning

2) Realization of low fuel consumption and improvement of the propeller efficiency by the super-long stroke

3) Excellent reliability

4) Reduction in maintenance works

5) Simplification of installation and outfitting

The principal particulars and the section of the DU-Sulzer RTA58T type engine are indicated in Table 2.4.5-1 and Fig. 2.4.5-I respectively.

2] DU-Sulzer RTA96C Engine

The first model of the DU-Sulzer RTA96C Engine which had been developed as the diesel engine of the maximum output in the world for the over-Panamax high-speed container carrier, was completed in March, 1997, and after the confirmatory tests over about 3 months on the reliability and various performances, and the NOx test were carried out, the engine was delivered to the customer. The first engine is the main engine, 11RTA96C (55,300 kW x 100 rpm), for the 6,214 TEU container carrier for NYK built by IHI, and the second engine is the main engine, 12RTA96C (65,880 kW x 100 rpm(R1 )), for the 6,674 TEU container carrier for P&OCL built by IHI.

The engine was developed focusing on security of the reliability which is dominantly requested for the main engine for the container carrier, following the design philosophy of the DU-Sulzer RTA84C type engine with many experiences as the main engines for container carriers.


Table 2.4.5-1 Principal Particulars of DU-Sulzer RTA58T/RTA96C Type Engines






