形本 静夫 青木 純一郎 本多 慎 青野 博
The effect of training on standing time from a chair
and walking speed in middle-and old-aged subjects
Shizuo KATAMOTO, Junichiro AOKI, Makoto HONDA
and Hiroshi AONO
The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between standing time from a chair as
a simple index of lower extremity muscle strength and walking speed and the effect of physical
training on two parameters in middle-and old-aged subjects. The subjects were 30 women (46 to
65 years) and 20 men (57 to 65 years) who were divided into middle-and old-aged groups. The
subjects were measured concerning standing time from a chair 10 times and 10 m-walking tirne
before and after participating in a physical training program (75 min a day, 2 days per week, 6
weeks) to improve their coordination, muscle strength and cardiorespiratory endurance. After
training, the standing time and walking speed significantly improved from 13 .60 to 10. 85 sec and
from 121 to 138 m/min in men and from 12.93 to ll. 10 sec and from 118 to 129 m/min in women,
respectively (p<0.001) . However, no siguificant correlation was observed between standing time
and walking speed. We proposed that neither variable showed a relationship with age due to the
narrow range of age. Within the range of age in our subjects, no significant relationship was
observed between standing time and walking speed, but physical training improved their lower
extremity muscle strength and walking ability.
(Rep. Res. Cent. Phys. Ed. 28 : 77=81, 1999)
順天堂大学スポーツ健康科学部運動生理学研究室 Devision of Exercise Physiology, School of Health and Sports Science, Juntendo University
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