北川 薫 宮城 修* 本田 亜紀子
山本 周史 山下 則之** 今久保 隆博**
Changes in physical fitness of junior youth soccer players
during a 10 month-training program
Noriyuki YAMASHITA** and Takahiro IMAKUBO**
This study was designed to clarify the effects of a 10 month-training program on the physique and
physical fitness in soccer players of a Japanese professional soccer club, that consisted of 11 junior
youth players with a mean age of 12 . 6 years and more than 4 years of soccer experience. The team
of trained 7.5 hours per week and played at least one soccer game per week. Measurements of
physique and physical fitness were done for body height and weight, subcutaneous fat thickness,
isokinetic knee extension and flexion strengths at the speed of 60°/s of each leg, Ieg extension
power, 30 m and 50 m dashes, and V02max. These measurements were carried out in December 1997
and October 1998. The body height and weight significantly increased and subcutaneous fat thick-
ness decreased. The isokinetic strengths and leg extension power, 30 m and 50 m dashes, and V02 max significantly improved. However, some isokinetic strengths, Ieg extension power and V02max
relative to body weight significantly decreased. The results suggested that the training program was
very effective to increase body mess but only maintained the level of muscular and endurance
ability during adolescence.
(Rep. Res. Cent. Phys. Ed. 28 : 44-50, 1999)
中京大学体育学部運動生理学研究室 Laboratory for Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics, School of Physical Education, Chukyo University
*防衛大学校体育学教室 Department of Physical Education, National Defense Academy
**名古屋グランパスエイト Nagoya Grampus Eight
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