落合 優 溝口 武史 村瀬 浩二
The relationship between the degrees of member-coach understanding
and attitude of members toward club activities and members'sport
motivation in junior-high school female volleyball clubs
Masaru OCHIAI, Takeshi MIZOKUCHI and Kouii MURASE
This study was performed to examine the relationship between the degrees of member-coach
understanding (mutual understanding between each member and the coach) and members attitudes
toward school volleyball club activities and sport motivation.
The subjects were 162 members of 9 volleyball clubs at junior high school who responded to a
questionnaire, the test to estimate the degree of the member-coach understanding and define.
Analysis of cross tabulation (contingency table) reveabled, the following results ;
1. A positive understanding and attitudes toward clubs were greatly influenced by the degree of
the estimated for member-coach understanding according to the members ; the deeper estimated
value were associated with increased positive understanding and attitude.
2. positive results of many scale-scores of TSMI were also highly influenced by the degree of
estimated member-coach understanding according to the members ; deeper estimated value were
assaciated with positive understanding and attitude.
3. greater estimated for member-coach understanding according to the coaches was associated
with negative understanding and attitudes as well as poor sport motivation.
4. the degree of member-coach understanding was estimated to be deeper in seventh grade than
eighth and ninth grade students.
5. the difference of the degrees of estimated member-coach understanding between members and
coaches increased in proportion to the school grade.
(Rep. Res. Cent. Phys. Ed. 28 : 19-34, 1999)
横浜国立大学 Yokohama National University
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