日本財団 図書館

that visitors can observe easily. It is extremely important to attach explanations in English when receiving overseas travelers and likewise it is necessary to prepare brochures, etc. in English. And replicas of the artifacts on display sold at reasonable prices would be wonderful souvenirs for the travelers.

7) Hotels that serve a variety of meals and meet a certain standard are definitely on the rise. However, we felt insecure about the sanitary standards of the meals served at restaurants, etc. on the roadside during the journey. This needs some attention along with the improvement of the monotonous service to tourists as well as resting facilities as mentioned before.

8) Special souvenirs such as knives and 玉(yu, precious stones) could be found everywhere, but they were practically the same all over the country and lacked appeal. The designs of handicrafts of the different ethnic groups should be devised so that they could be used as souvenirs. Bargaining can add amusement to a trip, but it is troublesome when you are not familiar with the language and fixed prices displayed on the souvenirs would make shopping more convenient.

9) The dances of the Uygurs were elegant and splendid, but it could become quite boring if the program remains the same everywhere you visited. The traditional performing arts of the many minority groups living in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region should be uncovered and used as tourist resources.

10) Even for a Japanese speaking guide who can speak Japanese well, it is difficult for him or her to convey the essential attractiveness of the wonderful tourist resources. It is desirable to foster guides who are well versed in history and culture, etc.


In addition to the above is the problem of the season for travel. At present, travel is restricted to summer and thus it is difficult for the travel and tourism industries to maintain a stable business. This was pointed out at the Tourism Promotion Seminar in Urumqi by our Chinese counterpart.

In order to promote tourism in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in the future, it is vital to expand the travel season so that it is feasible throughout the year. Further development is required in the following matters; a safety control system for take off and landing in case of bad weather and poor visibility, an air route network of





