日本財団 図書館

because of incessant use by large trucks and even during this study we witnessed many accidents involving crashes and vehicles turned over. Maintenance of roads, reinforcement of traffic regulations and development of traffic signs should be undertaken. We suggest that important matters concerning the environment and conditions for safe travel be developed.

2) Traveling the entire journey by bus was tiring no matter how modern and new the buses were. Along with the facility-development of airports and extension of railways, being undertaken fast, travel by air and rail should be accessible. We believe diversity in means of travel and increase in attractiveness of travel will be attained.

3) The resting facilities along the way between major tourist destinations were inconvenient including toilets, eating facilities, information centers, shopping, observation of the scenery, etc. In order to make travel more comfortable, it is necessary to improve the resting facilities. If you intend to attract young women travelers in particular, toilets should be attended to immediately.

4) There were many wonderful tourist resources, but the system for controlling the flow of visitors at some popular tourist spots was inadequate. We felt insecure and at times in danger in crowds. Brochures, post cards, slides and souvenirs of certain valuable artifacts of which photography is prohibited should be developed and information, resting, eating and shopping facilities should be improved. It is necessary to organize the pricing system which makes prices easily understood and reasonable.

5) Development of hotels are under way, but in order to promote tourism in the future, the number of accommodation facilities of international standard in major tourist destinations must be increased. In addition, the hotel employees that provide services seem to adhere to their manual, but sometimes we felt their services tended to be just out of formality. We hope that education for employees will be enhanced so that information, money changing, communication, etc. will become more convenient for the user.

6) There were many superb artifacts kept and displayed in the museums, but the lighting was dark, and the display in disorder and often difficult to understand. Frequently, the explanations were only in Chinese, making it extremely inconvenient for overseas travelers. In addition, there were few museums with brochures, post cards, slides, replicas of souvenirs, etc. The display should be organized so





