日本財団 図書館

資 料 1





1996年の日本人海外旅行者数1,669万人のうち、男性は909万人、女性は760万人、男女比は男性54 : 女性46と、前年と比べるとわずかではあるが女性の比率が高まった。女性の比率は年々高まってきており、10年前と比べると約10ポイントも増加している。




Overseas traveler by sex and age


Striking increase is seen in the number of boys and girls under 10 years of age and the number of women aged 50 or older departing for overseas destinations.

The total figure of 16.69 million for the Japanese traveling abroad,in 1996 breaks down into 9.09 million (54%) for men and 7.6 million (46%) for women. This translates into a slight increase in the proportion of women travelers over the previous year. More and more women are traveling abroad every year, and the percentage has increased by some 10 percentage points over the course of the last decade.

The year-on-year growth rate by sex was higher for women, at 11.0%, compared with 7.6%, for men. When analyzed by both sex and age, the growth rate is particularly high for boys and girls under 10 years of age and women aged 50 or older.

In terms of the market scale, women in their 20s still represent the largest proportion at 2.9 million, and they are followed by men in their 40s (2.13 million) and men in their 30s (1.92 million).




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