日本財団 図書館


Offshore Engineering


Mitsui FPSV


Mitsui FPSV is a floating production, storage and offloading vessel based on "Tentech 700" design, incorporated all the expertise and latest technology developed by Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (MES) The first building contract was made with Rasmussen group of Norway in 1995.


An FPSV, moored offshore close to a subsea oil field with a turret (rotary table type mooring device), has a number of remarkable functions including primary processing (production) of crude oil from the subsea oil field with a process plant on board, storage in oil tanks and loading of the oil onto a shuttle tanker (offioading). As FPSVs can move from one operation point to another with relative ease, they are now attracting worldwide interest as economical substitutes for expensive structures, such as stationary platforms.

The demand for FPSVs is expected to increase because of their potential to make possible and accelerate the development and operation of too small oil fields to be commercially viable previously.

The Rasmussen group is taking the opportunity of this newbuilding project to enter into growing FPSV market.

The FPSV recently ordered from MES is intended for use under the severe sea and weather conditions of the Notrh Sea. Therefore, its design has been newly developed to withstand the adverse natural conditions on the basis of the TEN- TECH 700 Design concept of Aker Maritime AS, which has rich experience in FPSV designing, augmented with the Japanese builder's







