日本財団 図書館

Lepo J.E., M.P.Hancock, C.L.Zu1eger, K.R.Edwards and T.Reilly(l997) : Effectiveness and Safety of Biosurfactants as Agents of Spil1ed 0il at Sea, Proceedings of International 0il Spill Conference, 689-696


Lessard R.R.(l997):Exxon Valdez 0il Spill:Application to Today, Proceedings of International Symposium on Marine 0il Spill Response, 49-57


Lewis A. and R.Swannel(l997):Personal communication at AEA Technology, 0xfordshire, England.


Lunel T. (l997):Response to the pollution caused by the Sea Empress incident and the shoreline restoration process, Proceedings of International Symposium on Marine 0il Spill Response, 119-135


Marine Spill Response Corporation(l997):INF0RMATI0N 0N THE MARINE SPILL RESP0NSE C0RP0RATI0N


Marine Spill Response Corporation(l997):http://www.dyncorp.com/em/marine/msrc.htm


Mearns A.J., R.Pavia and Galt J.(l997):Personal communication at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Seattle, U. S. A.


Merlin F.X. and G.Peigne(l997):Personal communication at Cedre, Brest, France


Morris S.(l997):Personal communication at Marune Spill Response Corporation, Henderson, U.S.A.


Nerland J.(l997):0il spill incident taken pce in Norway. How the situations was handled. How the Authorities, the Norwegian Pollution Control, was organized, Proceedings of International Symposium on Marine 0il Spill Response, 83-89


Prince R.C.(1993):Petroleum Spill Bioremediation in Marine Environments, Critical Reviews in Microbiology, 19, 4, 217-242


Pugh T. A. (l997):Personal communication at American Petroleum Institute, Washington D.C., U.S.A.


Rodal J.0.(l997):0ffshore 0il Spill Contingency in N0RWAY, Proceedings of International Symposium on Marine 0il Spill Response, 111-119


Swannel R.P.J., F. Daniel, B.C. Croft, M.A. Engelhardt, S.Wilson, D.J.Mitchel and T.Lunel(l997);Influence of Physical and Chemical Dispersion on the Biodegradation of 0il Under Simulated Marine Conditions, Proceedings of the 20th Arctic and Marine 0il Spill Program Technical Seminar, 609-616


Swift M.R., B.Celikkol and P.Coyne(l996):Development of a Rapid Current Containment Boom, U.S.Coast Guard 1994 0il Pollution Research Crants, 75-114


United States Coast Guard(1996):U.S.Coast Guard, 0il Spill Response Research & Development


United States Coast Guard(1997) ;http://www.dot.gov/dotinfo/uscg/


Wolfe M.F. and R.Tjeerdema(1996)Influence of dispersants on Petroleum Bioavailability within a Marine Food Chain, U.S.Coast Guard l994 0il Pollution Research Grants, 277-320




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