Geriatric Rehabilitation: A Comparison of Units in Japan and Australia
ID Cameron (Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital, Australia), M Ishikawa (Chikamori Rehabilitation Hospital, Japan), M Sekine (Sapporo Keihoku Hospital, Japan)
This descriptive study contrasts the practice and outcomes of geriatric rehabilitation in Japan and Australia through the comparison of patients in these two countries. Impairment group, level of functional limitation (as measured by the Functional Independence Measure), length of hospital stay, and functional gain (determined by change in FIM score between admission to the ward and discharge from the ward), as well as demographic details are compared. The results suggest that there are significant differences in the provision of rehabilitation services in Japan and Australia. Interpretation of this is complex due to differences in casemix, health care systems and cultural factors.
Study on Causes of Fall and Underlying Disease in Femoral Neck Fracture
Gohei Komiyama, Mitsuru Majinm, Toru Kondo, Kiyoshi Eguchi, Hiroshi Fujii, Eiji Suzuki and Kouji Sowa
Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, Saitama Medical School
The cause of femoral neck fracture is mainly a fall. Also a motor disease that causes a fall is often observed. If treatment is performed only for the fracture without examining the presence of an underlying disease that might have caused the fall, it is likely that the patient will fall again, resulting in recurrence of a fracture injury. So we studied about underlying disease that can cause a fall to prevent recurrent falls in a patient with a femoral neck fracture. The subjects consisted of 98 patients with femoral neck fracture (25 males, 73 females) who underwent rehabilitation at our department from 1992 to 1995. The mean age was 74 years in male and 77 years in females. 34 patients had the fracture on the intracapsular, 71 patients on the extracapsular of the femoral and unknown in 1 case. 8 patients were injured twice. All patients underwent open reduction surgery. 29 patients had a certain disease which was considered to he a cause of a fall; cerebrovascular disorder in 21, Parkinson disease in 4, cervical cord injury, rheumatoid disease, spinocerebellar degeneration and gonarthorsis in 1. Of the 29 cases, 10 patients (9 CVD and 1 SCD) were disclosed first to have an underlying disease which caused a fall after transferred to our department. In rehabilitation of these patients, it is important for us to examine the possible underlying disease which caused the fall, from the point of prevention of recurrent falls.