日本財団 図書館


The Meridian test - a new acupuncture system

Yoshito Mukaino (Fukuoka University, Fukuoka, Japan)


The difficulty in performing acupuncture is selecting the effective meridians and acupuncture points from the variety that are available. Usually an acupuncturist stimulates the painful region directly or the meridians which pass through it. This treatment might help in some cases of pain, but not in all cases. In many cases, we observe the painful regions do not always represent the lesions causing pain but the pain is produced by the limitation of movements. It is more effective to select the meridians and acupuncture points defined by the pain causing movements rather than the location of the pain. Because of this we have devised a new acupuncture system, called "the meridian test "which selects the meridians in which most of the tension occurs during various painful movements. This system allows a quick determination of effective acupoints and channels enabling immediate relief of the pain. In this symposium, we will introduce the meridian test.



Acupuncture - part of a multimodal rehabilitation concept for orthopedic patients

G.Koe1blinger, T.Kiedel, H.-R.Casser (Orthopedic Clinic Staffelstein;Erlangen Univ. Germany)


Chronic pain consists of somatic, psychologic and social factors. For the management of chronic pain regarding all these factors is essential. Among the somatic factors muscular spasm is of major importance. Lowering the muscular tension of a chronic pain patient means gaining a higher potential for rehabilitation. Acupuncture is a technique which can, superior to drugs and many injection techniques, relax specific muscles and can be performed at low costs and low risks for the patient.

The authors present a multimodal concept for the rehabilitation of orthopedic patients. After evaluating the pain degree (VAS), joint motility (ROM), state of chronification (Gerbershagen score) and the psychological state (SES, PDI a.o.) drugs, physical therapy, sports therapy, psychological guidance and acupuncture are combined to a therapy concept involving all disciplines in a modern rehabilitation hospital. First experiences with a new concept for the rehabilitation of orthopedic patients and the benefits and limitations of acupuncture within this concept will be discussed.





