EL-2-10 Room A Time 16:00〜17:00
Functional Evaluation of Stroke Patients (Part 2: Disability)
Chairperson:Dr. Chino, Naoichi (School of Medicine, Keio Univ. /Japan)
EL-2-10-01 Lessons from the UDSMRSM Database: The Search for Best Practices in Stroke Rehabilitation
Granger, Carl V.
Univ. at Buffalo / U.S.A.
EL-2-11 Room A Time 17:00〜18:00
Challenge to Promote Higher Prosthetic and Orthotic Service in The World
Chairperson:Mrs. Ellis, Margaret (West Square Associates / U.K.)
EL-2-11-01 Challenge to Promote Higher Prosthetic and Orthotic Service in the World
Sawamura, Seishi
ISPO / Japan
EL-2-12 Room B-1 Time 16:00〜16:30
Electrodiagnosis in Rehabilitation Medicine (Part 1: Magnetic Stimulation)
Chairperson:Prof. Kimura, Jun (Kyoto Univ. /Japan)
EL-2-12-01 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TCMS) in Rehabilitation
Rothwell, John C.
MRC / U.K.