S-2-10 Main Hall Time 16:00〜18:00
Recent Progress in SCI Rehabilitation
Chairpersons:Prof.Dr.Dietz, Volker (Swiss Paralegic Center, Univ. Hospital Balgrist Zurich / Switzerland)
Dr. Ohashi, Masahiro (Kanagawa Rehabilitatin Center /Japan)
S-2-10-01 Spastic Movement Disorder
Dietz, Volker
Univ. Hospital Balgrist Zurich / Switzerland
S-2-10-02 Restoration of Locomotion in Paraplegic Patients
Hesse, Stefan
Klinik Berlin / Germany
S-2-10-03 Engineering Service for Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation in Kanagawa Rehabilitation Center
Ohashi, Masahiro
Kanagawa Rehabilitation Center/Japan
S-2-10-04 Recent Progress in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
Ditunno, Jr., John F.
Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson Univ. / U.S.A.
S-2-10-05 A New Concept of Walking Exercise for Palaplegia Using Walking Orthosis--The Rhythm and Amlitude of the EMG Activities of Paralyzed Muscles During--
Yano, Hideo
The Inst. of National Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled /Japan
EL-2-09 Room A Time 16:00〜17:00
Functional Evaluation of Stroke Patients (Part 1: Impairment)
Chairperson:Dr. Granger, Carl V. (Center for Functional Assessment Research / U.S.A.)
EL-2-09-O1 Functional Evaluation of Stroke Patients (Part 1: Impairment)
Chino, Naoichi
Keio Univ. School of Medicine /Japan