Instructions for Oral Presentation
You are kindly requested to follow the procedures described. Your cooperation will be highly appreciated as it will help facilitate the session's smooth operation.
All speakers are requested to get together at their session room 15 minutes before the session starts. At some sessions the chairpersons may call a short briefing meeting. Please also remain in the session room until the end of your session to answer questions from other participants.
Only English will be used for presentation and discussion.
3.Time Allocated for Presentation
The time allocated to each presentation is 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes of discussion. You are requested to strictly observe the allotted presentation time.
4.Visual Aids
Only one slide projector will be used. Dual slide projection will not be provided. Please use 35 x 35 mm slides in metal or plastic mounts. All slides should bear a serial number in the upper right corner of the frame. Please make sure that your slides are compatible with this system. Overhead and video projectors will not be provided.
5.Slide Reception
Speakers planning to use slides are requested to hand in their slides to the slide reception in front of the room of their session. Please be sure to complete this process at least 30 minutes prior to the beginning of your session to avoid confusion. Specialized personnel will check the order of the slides together with the speaker, seal and label them in a carousel, and take this directly to the conference hall. Speakers should collect their slides from the slide reception within one hour following the end of their session. The further details will be provided at the slide reception.
Instructions for Poster Presentation
Posters are to be displayed in the Event Hall connected with the main KICH building with a corridor on the B1 floor.
2.Instructions for preparing posters
(a) Display board: 120 cm x 180 cm
(b) Authors are requested to prepare a paper tag (to indicate title and authors) 20 cm (high) x 100 cm (long) and a poster panel within a frame of 120 cm (long) x 160 cm (high).
(c) Size of characters- the recommended size of letters is: Title and Authors 25-30 mm (height), Headings 15-20 mm, Text 7-10 mm
(d) Title - should be brief, informative and readable from a distance of 2 to 3 meters.
(e) Text - keep the text to a minimum; be clear and concise.
(f) Tables, Diagrams and Photographs - keep simple; use colors effectively; legends and labels should be easy to read; photographs should have a matted finish.
(g) Order - show clearly either by numbers, arrows or lines the order in which the poster is to be read.
(h) Conclusions - list conclusions; many will read only the title and conclusion.
3.Guidelines for poster presentation
(a) The official language for posters is English. All materials to be mounted on the panel
(b) Thumbtacks will be available in the session room. The posters should be in a form which can be easily mounted on a display panel.
(c) The program number of your poster will already be on your assigned panel.