<付録> 参考文献
1 連邦人事委員会刊行文献
Public Service Commission Malaysia(Recruitment Policy and Procedures and Disciplinary Control) 2 総理府公務員庁刊行文献
(1)Towards Excellency 1994 (2)Service Circular NO.4 of 1992 and Guidelines for the Implementation of Performance Appraisal System of the Malaysian Public Service 1993 (3)Report of the Special Committee of the Cabinet on Salaries for the Public Sector 1991 3 その他の政府刊行文献
(1)Dealing with the Malaysian Civil Service Malaysian Administrative Modernization and Management Planning Unit(MAMPU)1993 (2)The Civil Service of Malaysia−Paradigm Shift−Ahmad Sarji1993 (3)The Civil Service of Malaysia−Towards Vision 2020−Ahmad Sarji 1994 (4)The Civil Service of Malaysia−Towards Efficiency and Effectiveness−Ahmad Sarji 1995 (5)Some Aspects of Public Service in Malaysia Sirajuddin H.Salleh 1984 4 法令集等
(1)Employees Provident Fund Act 1991 MDC SDN BHD 1993 (2)Pensions Laws of Malaysia International Law Book Services 1994 (3)Public Service Disciplinary Board Regulations 1993 5 その他の参考文献
(1)ラーマンとマハティール萩原宣之 岩波書店 (2)もっと知りたいマレーシア 第2版 弘文堂 (3)東南アジア現代史?U 池端雪浦/生田滋 山川出版 (4)アジア経済読本 渡辺利夫 東洋経済
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