日本財団 図書館



死の準備教育におけるPastoral Careの役割*1

児島五郎*2 富山良雄*2 村井俊介*2
Wardemar Kippes*3 松井昭*4 篠田知璋*4
日野原重明*4 西立野研二*5 市丸みどり*5


The author was interested in the importance of Pastoral Care regarding the psychological and spiritual healing of terminal cancer patients.At the initial stage of hospitalization terminal cancer patients' are mainly concemed with alleviation of physicalpain.But as death approaches both psychological and spiritual encounters become paramount.For this reason the author initiated death education.The topics regarding spiritual care were freedom fear of death,life being not a failure,hope towards new life after death.
Subjects were 45 terminal cancer patients out of a total of 113 patients the author cared for and who died at St.Teresa's hospital.Both Egogram and SDS tests were administered in order to understand the psychological dimension of patients whowere considered as being in need of psychological and spiritual assistance.It was felt that medical personnel who cares for dying patients need also to study literature,philosophy,
Music,etc.in additiont otheir professional subjects.In the face of death both patients and Md.'s have to be aware of what Pascal in his Pensees calls the fragility of"unroseau".
著者は末期癌患者の精神的・霊的癒しに大切なPastoral Careに関心を持った。末期癌患者は入院当初は苦痛の除去に重点が置かれるが、やがて死が近づくと、精神的・霊的な関わりが重要になる。そこで著者はPastoral Care(臨床司牧)を導入して、死の準備教育を行った。Pastoral CareとはSpiritual Careに含まれるもので、死は恐れるものでなくまた人生の敗北でもなく、死後、新しい命に対する期待を持てるように指導した。


*1The Function of Pastoral Care Within the Frame-work of Death Education




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