日本財団 図書館


5.5.6 RoIling Stock
The planned rolling stock is the low-floor type, which is convenient for the weaker members of society and has proved very popular in Europe, etc. in recent years. The shape and appearance of the cars should be made attractive in order to make them fit in with the surrounding tourist environment.
Mortor man's cabs are attached to both ends of the trains because this will be necessary when trains enter and leave the rolling stock depot and pass by each other within the depot. As for ticket inspection equipment, the trains have been installed with cancellors.
With respect to rolling stock procurement, it has been assumed that rolling stock will be imported from established overseas manufacturers. Having said that, large reductions in investment cost could be achieved if domestic production is made possible through technical tie-ups, and so on, and this is an area that will require further study in the future.
Below is given a summary of the specifications and performance of the planned rolling stock.
Car dimensions: W 2,300 mm, H 3,590 mm, L 30,000 mm
Floor height: 350 mm, 560 mm
Acceleration: 4.68km/his
Deceleration: 4.68km/h/s
Maximum speed: 70 kin/h
Voltage: 750 V
Body weight: Approx. 30 tons
Capacity: 87 sitting 92 standing (4 people/in2)
Minimum curve radius: 15 m




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