日本財団 図書館


3.5 Transport Demand in the Inner City Area

(1) Commuter Trips
Figure 3-12 shows the number of commuter trips (obtained from the earlier commuter trip OD patterns) in each of three screens within the inner city area. Section A-A' encloses the CBD and sees approximately 130,000 trips. This matches with the combined total of 130,000 inbound and outbound mode-separate trips (see Table 3-3) as surveyed by Cape Town during the two hours of the morning peak in 1991. 85% of this traffic into the inner city area is accounted for by car and rail transport, and much of the car traffic (approximately 56,000 trips) travels along the freeway into the city center and consists of long-distance trips originating in the suburbs. The rail transport, too, consists of Metro users alighting at Cape Town Station and can only be classed as long-distance commuter trips. In other words, inbound traffic into the inner city area during the morning rush is largely dependent on the long-distance arterial transport facilities of the freeway and the railway. A point to note is the fact that the number of trips in Section C-C' situated just before the CBD is higher than the number in the CBD section. Put another way, all the commuter trips that originate in the suburbs are not headed solely for the CBD, but in fact some of the commuter movement is also concentrated in areas just before the CBD. This point can also be gathered from the fact that the working population distribution in the inner city area is not polarized around the CBD alone.
(2)Other Trips
The transport materials gathered locally contain hardly any data relating to non-commuter trips, so the number of business and other non-home-base trips it is thought will mainly originate in the inner city area is unclear. However, within the inner city area zone scheme (equivalent to use district planning in Japanese urban planning), areas along New Market St. slightly to the right of the CBD and Woodstock, etc. on the eastern side have been designated as commercial and industrial zones, and it can be confidently estimated that large numbers of business trips linking these areas to the CBD will originate. It is imagined that many of these business trips will be car trips.




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