日本財団 図書館

In Japan, the contamination by bacteria is rare because the bacteria contaminat ion is well-regulated. The remaining four factors are the issues to be consider ed. In case of the de-veloping countries, however, the issue of the bacteria wa s at the top of the priority list in regulating the contamination.
So let me move on with my third topic, which is the water and industrialization . The sec-ond category of contaminants are related to inorganic chemicals and h eavy metals, which include cyanide, mercury, Iead, chromium, cadmium, arsenic, selenium, fluorides, and nitrates. Among them, mercury in Japan was the symboli c contaminant in the past history. As you are well aware of, in the Minamata re gion of Kyushu Island, the Minamata dis-ease was triggered by mercury, which ve rified how much mercury can damage the health of the people. This knowledge has been proliferated worldwide.
The first patient of the Minamata Disease was reported in 1956. Following that, in 1959 it has been assumed as one explanation that the mercury should be the cause of that dis-ease. In 1963, it was determined that organic mercury, namely methyl mercury, should be





